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Inspiring women neuroscientists in Nigeria...
women in neuroscience, nigeria
Women in neuroscience, Nigeria is a growing network of female African neuroscientists who are working to inspire and provide mentor-ship and access to opportunities for more women who are interested in a career in neuroscience and STEM disciplines.
We want to equip women scientists to pursue successful careers in neuroscience and inspire the next generation of women in the STEM discipline of neuroscience.
Learn from other established professionals and receive guidance to further your career goals.
Photo: SONA Mentorship 2019
Learn about and gain access to international and local opportunities in neuroscience.
Stay updated with latest news on upcoming conferences and research developments.
Find out more about our programmes
Women are underrepresented and less engaged in STEM disciplines. We need more women on the table to bridge gender inequality.
To this effect, there is a need for a formal and impact-oriented structure that provides much needed guidance for budding female neuroscientists.
join our network
Membership is open to women who are pursuing or interested in a career in neuroscience. Click the button below to continue to our registration page.
meet our leadership team
Founder of WiN, Nigeria and a Senior Lecturer at the University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
join our network
Start your registration process here. Click the button to go to our membership form.
what our members say
you can help too
We are extremely willing /eager to establish partnerships with organisations/ initiatives and stakeholders that believe in our vision and would synergically work together to actualize our dream.
The drive behind partnerships would be to pursue common goals of empowering women/girls to pursue career in neuroscience as well as public engagement in STEM across the globe .
WIN gladly welcomes ambassadors who will synergically help women and girls build better career through WIN and STEM.
Remember when a woman is trained you train a nation
have questions?
Follow us on Facebook to get the latest updates and see what we’re doing. Send us an email if you have something you’d like to ask us about